You ever have someone look at you and really see you? Like they can see past all the bullshit you put in place to safeguard yourself from the hurts of the world. Their gaze makes you feel naked and stripped of all barriers. Who you are is vulnerable. But, that doesn’t stop them from entering into the darkest parts of your heart. Parts that you no longer believed were even habitable anymore. Somehow, they got past all of that and you find yourself naked and bare. Seeing all of your unmajesty and they still choose to love you. It’s terrifying at first, isn’t it? Yet…there’s a certain element of freedom to it. Someone said that this type of love doesn’t exist anymore. Because people nowadays will hold your past and mistakes against you and never let you grow in their mind. That’s the world we live in, apparently. It’s easy to make a monster out of you to help feed the narrative someone subscribes to about you. But, I don’t know about all that. Maybe it’s the hopeless romantic in me, but I choose to believe that I am who I am because of all the ugly parts of me as well as the beautiful and lovely parts of me. And if someone cannot see past the ugly, then do they truly love me? All of me? No, I don’t think so. That’s not seeing me. That’s a filtered view of me. Take off the filter and see every single blemish and find the beauty in me. Otherwise, this isn’t for me. Or you.